Wednesday, February 5, 2014

FUNdraising ideas for kids

I was going through some of the leftover video from this past weekend and came across this funny little out take footage which included a discussion with the children about fundraising. The kids were super excited about helping to raise money for the project and determined to come up with a way to do it.  Each of them went over in detail their arts and crafts ideas along with some interesting ways to market them.

I was very impressed. So, I thought this would be an excellent time to share a previous post on fundraising from my blog (Help Build a School 4 West Africa) If you have children I hope you'll talk to them about becoming involved in some type of charitable activity.  It's a good idea to start early. I believe it's important to teach kids about fundraising because it helps to make them more kind, compassionate and giving adults.

 FUNdraising for kids

Jar Wars
Fundraisers are great fun for individuals, organizations, churches and schools. The types of fundraising possibilities are endless.

A little money goes a long way in Guinea Bissau, and as such, you can make a real impact with a donation of even $5 or $10. This is the cost of a latte at that popular coffee shop or giving up eating lunch out for a day or 2 and donating the money instead.

You can always fall back on the standard bake sale, hot dog/lemonade stand or car wash. Or, perhaps you have some fundraising ideas of your own (try asking your child if they have any ideas, you may be surprised at the creativity) .

But, If you can’t think of anything, here are a few new ideas you might want to consider

Click for suggestions

Here's the video out take featuring the kids


shelly earnshaw @ribbon in the sky said...

thanks for posting this article about teaching children to have heart and to understand they can make a difference in their world...sometimes even the world at large. wouldn't it be amazing if all children everywhere understood and believed they could impact the world around them! anyways...hilarious to watch the the video! remember how eager they were to make a video...not so much to watch it! ha! but I had them read your article and they loved the penny war idea! thanks!

devon said...

Thanks and tell the kids I wasn't that happy to watch myself in those glasses either LOL but the kids were great!

I'll be checking in on them to find out which projects they decide to do!