But Senegal is the land of hospitality and Dakar's biggest asset is its people.
Yes it was rough going at the airport but once you leave the airport and have the opportunity to experience the country and its people you will quickly fall in love. The Senegalese are warm people who take pride in showing strangers their way of life. Don't be a bit surprised if you are invited into the family house right after you've met someone.
Our hosts picked us and brought us to their home to experience a traditional meal. We ate on the floor out of one dish and we each had a spoon. It was sooo good!! (so much for not eating in Africa - good bye Lays potato chips!). I had no reaction to the food. We also drank a tasty hibiscus mint juice.
They had a goat (which I later found out was actually a sheep). The house was gated and the kitchen area was round and located in the center. There were many entrances where each person had a private door. The bathroom was also separate but if you ask for toilet paper you will be lucky to receive maybe 3 squares. Note to self: travel with your own tp!
Next we went to the marketplace. It was crazy! Our original plans for the main marketplace were
canceled because of protests in the area. This was a smaller one.
We shopped for fabric and our hosts did all of our price negotiations. I bought 6 yds for an outfit, 2 yds for head wrap and 1shawl all for 24,000 CFA or about $48 US. It cost me 5000 CFA ($10 US) to have the outfit made. (sorry haven't had time yet to photograph the outfit. I'll post later)

where we watched the sunset. A perfect end to a perfect first day in Africa
Tomorrow Goree Island
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